Friday, December 21, 2012

I got my Two Front Teeth! (Must be Christmas)

Last Friday, I had my jaws unwired, then went immediately to the dentist to be fitted for a "flipper." Then the uncomfortable week of explaining to everyone why I look like a jack-o-lantern.  This morning, I was able to pick up the flipper from the dentist, so I now look somewhat normal when I speak or laugh.  The apparatus fits great, but even after a few hours, I know that the suction feeling will be present for quite some time.

It's also time to learn to talk...again.  It seems like every few weeks, some of my teeth (or "teeth") get moved, and then I will inadvertently start having a lisp or not be able to pronounce certain letters.  My teenage clients love it, but I'm not so sure how my new clients are taking it; especially those that have only known me over the past couple of weeks (wired mouth, missing teeth, now fully-toothed).

Today's workout: Insanity Pure Cardio.

I don't normally run on Friday's, and since I'm still technically in my off season, I'm placing more of an emphasis on my strength based workouts.  I last did Insanity with any regularity back in June, so I'm just getting back into it.  I seemingly did fine today, and was definitely able to make it further through the workout than I did last week.

Mrs. TherapyRunner (who is not a therapist), stuck through most of the workout, on an extremely modified basis.  She's at 33 1/2 weeks pregnant and still going strong! Her office is closed for the next couple of weeks, and today was her first day off.  I can already tell her nesting instincts are kicking in!

Tomorrow's workout: 15 mile aero run with USA Marathon Training in Griffith Park.


  1. Hi there! Found your blog via twitter.
    Looks like I have some catching up to do if I am going to know why you needed a flipper and had some teeth missing! Glad you have the holes filled in :) . Congrats to your wife for staying in shape during pregnancy!

    1. Thanks Raina! For all intensive purposes, I broke my face when I crashed my bike and went face-first into a fire hydrant. It's a long recovery at this point...
